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Street building

Street building

How you get to the heart of the matter with the paths and roads, because many paths lead to the destination.

Menu icon
Menu selection

In the menu on the far left, you will find Road Construction with the option to build a road or tear it down again.

Straßen mit diversen Pionieren auf Pioneers of Pagonia
Various pioneers use roads and paths. These are the nervous system of the game.
Der Cursor ändert sich zu einem Kreis für den Straßenbau.
Road construction - everything begins with a point.

After the selection in the menu, the cursor changes to a circle. With this and a click with the left mouse button, you set the starting point of a road.

Once the starting point is set, you can simply drag the future road with the mouse. Direction and length are freely selectable.

Nach gesetztem Startpunkt zieht man mit der Maus die Straße.
Once clicked - Just move the mouse.
Mit einem einfachen Klick setzt man einen neuen Wegpunkt.
One click at the destination point and the section stands. From here you continue with the next section of the path.

With a simple left click you set the first waypoint. From here you can plan another road section with the mouse.

On the sides of the street you will see small auxiliary fields. These show you approximately where you can later place which building, depending on its size.

Ein weiterer Abschnitt beim Straßenbau
The next section changes the construction area.

When building the next section of the path, you can clearly see how the auxiliary fields overlap and what construction areas are available afterwards.

The tighter the curve, the less likely it is to be able to place one of the large buildings there.

Ein weiterer Bauabschnitt mit einer engen Kurve
You have to pay attention with every click.
Ein einfacher Rechtsklick löscht den letzten Wegpunkt
A right click deletes the last waypoint.

If you have made a mistake or are planning a different route, you can delete the last waypoint with a simple right-click and the road will realign itself accordingly.

Ein Weg, der sich nicht bauen lässt, wird rot dargestellt.
This path can not be built.

Every now and then a road simply cannot be built, too big trees, rocks, bottlenecks etc. block the construction, then it is displayed in red.

But fortunately we don't have to look for every road option ourselves, PoP's very inovative road building system also looks for free gaps itself.

Das System findet selbst eine Lücke für die Straße.
With a little feeling, the game helps you.

Road demolition

But sometimes roads are simply out of place.
Regardless of whether you get it wrong or want to rebuild, even the most beautiful path has to give way again.

Eine herrenlose Straße mitten auf der Map.
Puhhh - Who build a road up here?
Ein roter Punkt, um Straßen wieder zu entfernen.
To tear off, the road construction point becomes red.

If you select the "Remove road" function in the menu, the road construction cursor turns red.

To remove a road or path, simply click again on the familiar waypoints that can be seen at each end.

Eine Straße kurz vor ihrer Entfernung
Wählt man den Straßenabriss, erscheinen auch wieder die Straßenendpunkte
Mit einem Klick auf den ersten Punkt beginnt der Straßenabriss.
Clicking on a waypoint starts the demolition.

As with the road construction itself, you now drag the demolition cursor to the desired end.

With a double click on the last waypoint the road is history again. Even complex roads can be removed in one go.

With two more clicks, the road is gone.

However, you can also go directly from the first waypoint to the last one and don't have to follow the path to clear the complete road. The Pioneers of Pagonia road system normally finds the complete path itself.
